Doing Business Here
When you set up shop in Lawrence, you have an instant advantage. Just 30 minutes from the major metropolitan area of Kansas City, we’re in a prime location in Kansas – a right-to-work state with one of the most attractive business climates in the country.
We’re home to the University of Kansas, a top-tier research university, and one of the most highly educated workforces in the United States. Nearly 55 percent of Lawrence residents have college degrees. Plus, 95 percent of Lawrencians have high school diplomas.

Incentives & Funding
The Lawrence region offers a business environment like no other in Kansas. Local companies benefit from state’s business-friendly incentive programs and the region’s competitive cost of doing business. The area’s cultural amenities and recreational opportunities, as well as its proximity to the Kansas City metro, provide unique advantages that make it an easy sell for talent attraction. Lawrence is home to two opportunity zones and other specialized incentive programs. Let us help you navigate your relocation or expansion project.
The EDC of Lawrence & Douglas County strives to make it easy to do business in the region. We can help you with data, incentives, finding a location, or just making connections.
Available Sites & Buildings
Economic development is our job and part of our responsibility is to help businesses find their homes in Lawrence and Douglas County. Whether you want an existing building or a site that fits your needs, we can make it happen.
Contact Us
785-865-4411 Email Us
EDC of Lawrence & Douglas County
718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044