Lawrence Economic Data DASHBOARD

Lawrence Economic Data DASHBOARD

The Lawrence Economic Data Dashboard visualizes housing and employment data from Douglas County communities as well as other similarly sized cities from our region. It was developed by Wichita State University’s Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CEDBR) in partnership with EDC of Lawrence and Douglas County.

Amarr Garage Doors on Employee retention

Amarr Garage Doors on Employee retention

Amarr Garage Doors has served as a gateway to the commercial and industrial markets in the Lawrence area for more than 35 years. From its location in Lawrence’s East Hills Business Park, Amarr has created a thriving top-tier business, employing more than 700 employees. Its local plant generates $242 million annually, a significant portion of […]

Panasonic Update (July 2024)

Panasonic Update (July 2024)

The update is sent periodically to those in the Lawrence and Douglas County EDC Panasonic Funding Group, those on the Lawrence and Douglas County EDC Panasonic Task Force and later posted on the EDC Panasonic web page Panasonic – EDC Lawrence. If you have comments or suggestions, please email Rob Richardson